
Sarah and Abby

Sarah and Abby are sisters, best friends, partners in crime and two of the the most individual and confident young girls I have ever known. I have been photographing these two since they were toddlers, here is one of the first images I took of them back in 2007, it remains one of my favorite images to date.

The holidays seem right around the corner, I know they are close when I receive an email from the Youngbergs that "it's that time of year again" with much excitement and anticipation of what this year's session will bring! Always joy and lots of laughter with a bit of mischief in between.

There are always two parts to the session. First, the more formal dress for a little holiday magic, followed by an hour in whatever they want to wear. I'm always amazed at how the personalities take off once someone feels confident in their look and kids are no exception to this rule.

It's hard to believe how time flies, it's an honor to help preserve the progression of these two beautiful girls. They are smart, fun, silly and sophisticated all rolled into one, these are city kids raised in the heart of Manhattan with energy abounding.

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